13 Proven Ways to Land Your First Copywriting Client (2024)

Updated 22 January 2024

13 Proven Ways to Land Your First Copywriting Client (2024)

The demand for high-quality copywriting is higher than ever before.

The copywriting market size is valued at $21 billion as of 2022.

Crazy, I know.

Yet, copywriters worldwide are still struggling to land their first client.

Why? Because they’re using the wrong strategies.

This blog post is here to help you solve lans that first client.

We’ll talk about how to actually land your first copywriting client with 13 proven ways that work.

From cold outreach, to inbound leads, we’ll cover everything you need to know.

Your journey into copywriting starts here – let’s get right into it!

Can You Land Clients as a Beginner Copywriter?

Yes, you can absolutely land clients as a beginner copywriter, and the good news is, it’s a lot easier than you might think.

Many businesses are on the lookout for fresh voices and unique perspectives. In fact, some beginners have landed their first clients surprisingly fast.

Imagine crafting a killer piece that resonates with a business owner, or nailing a simple but effective social media post. These small wins can open doors faster than you’d expect.

In the world of copywriting, your potential to land clients is not just a distant goal – it’s a real and achievable feat, even as a beginner.

13 Proven Ways to Land Your First Copywriting Client

Now let’s get into the part you’re here for – the 13 ways to land your first copywriting client.

We’ll cover unique ideas that ACTUALLY work, from sending out cold DMs the right way, to even getting inbound clients through social media.

Let’s not waste any time and get straight to it.

1. Cold DMs (The Right Way)

Cold DMs, when done right, can be a game-changer for landing your first copywriting client.

It’s basically reaching out to people you don’t know, but it’s all about doing it genuinely and effectively.

Where should I send cold DMs?

I recommend trying social media platforms like:

  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • TikTok

On Instagram, you can find businesses in your niche, on Twitter, you engage in relevant conversations, and TikTok offers a more creative approach.

Reaching out on social media works well because it comes off as a more casual and less salesy approach. More as a friend-to-friend connection.

Here are the main 3 strategies that I have found to work well when it comes to sliding into creator’s DMs:

Bait and Switch:

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First, there’s the ‘Bait and Switch,’ where you start with a genuine question to do with their offer, and smoothly transition into showcasing your skills. I have personally found this strategy to work best.

Loom Video:

The Loom video approach is also a great one to consider. It involves sending out a personalized video to creators on social platforms offering them your services. This strategy works as it shows personalization, and makes you stand out a bit.

Unique Compliment:

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This strategy is a great one. It involves sending out a unique compliment that is VERY specific to a creator. The key to this strategy is sending out a compliment that stands out from other compliments, the more specific the better.

Remember, the key is to be yourself, not a robotic sales pitch. Keep it real, and you might find yourself landing that first client.

2. Social Media Inbound

Social Media Inbound is like setting up a magnetic forcefield that attracts copywriting clients without you actively hunting them down.

It’s the art of making them come to you. So, how do you make this happen?

1. Optimize Your Profile for Success:

  • Profile Picture & Bio: Your profile picture should be friendly and approachable, and your bio needs to shout, “I’m a copywriting maestro.”
  • Contact Info: Make it easy for potential clients to reach out to you.

2. Post Value in Your Niche:

  • Niche-Centric Content: Share tips, tricks, and insights in your copywriting niche. Show that you’re not just talking the talk; you’re walking the walk.
  • Engage, Don’t Just Post: Respond to comments, ask questions, and be an active part of the conversation. This builds a community around your content.

3. Leverage the Power of Giveaways:

  • Prizes with Purpose: Offer something related to copywriting – perhaps a free consultation, a template, or an exclusive guide.
  • Engagement Boost: Get people to tag friends, share your post, and follow your account for a chance to win. This increases visibility and widens your reach.

By implementing these strategies, your social media becomes a client-attracting powerhouse.

With a killer profile, valuable content, and strategic giveaways, you’re not just participating in social media; you’re leveraging it to build your copywriting career. Keep it engaging, authentic, and watch the magic unfold as clients come to you.

3. Join an Online Community 

Entering the digital realm of online communities can significantly boost your copywriting journey.

These forums and groups provide not only a space for shared insights but also potential avenues for client acquisition. Begin by finding a community that resonates with your copywriting interests and boasts active participation.

Pro Tip:

Consider joining forums through platforms like Discord, Reddit, and even custom platforms.

Once you’re in, introduce yourself authentically and showcase your work gradually.

Engage in discussions thoughtfully, offering your expertise and insights without overtly self-promoting. Use this platform to connect with like-minded individuals, fostering relationships that may evolve into professional opportunities.

Patience and consistency are key; building trust takes time.

By actively participating, demonstrating your skills, and cultivating genuine connections, you not only increase your chances of landing clients but also become part of a supportive copywriting network that can propel your career forward.

4. Cold Email Outreach

Cold email outreach is a straightforward method to directly connect with potential clients. Craft personalized emails that cut through the digital noise, showcasing your copywriting skills effectively.

Begin by researching and identifying businesses or individuals in your target niche. Keep your emails concise, highlighting the specific value you can bring to their projects.

Key Steps:

  • Research Your Targets: Identify businesses or individuals aligned with your copywriting expertise.
  • Craft a Personalized Message: Tailor each email to address the unique needs of the recipient.
  • Highlight Your Value: Clearly communicate how your copywriting skills can benefit their projects.

Here’s an example of a template you could use. Just change the topic to do with your copywriting services:

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Remember, the goal is to initiate a conversation, not close a deal in the first email.

Be genuine, show enthusiasm for their work, and invite further discussion. In a digital landscape saturated with generic messages, a well-crafted and personalized cold email can be a powerful tool to land your first copywriting client.

5. Copywriting Job Boards 

Copywriting job boards serve as virtual marketplaces where businesses actively seek skilled writers for their projects. These platforms can be a goldmine for securing your first copywriting client. Here’s how to navigate the world of copywriting job boards:

Explore reputable job boards specific to copywriting, such as Upwork, Freelancer, or ProBlogger.

Create a compelling profile showcasing your skills, experience, and a portfolio of your work. Regularly browse available jobs and apply to those that align with your expertise and interests.

Craft personalized proposals, demonstrating a clear understanding of the client’s needs and how you can meet them.

Be competitive with your rates while considering the value you bring to the table. Utilize the rating and review system on these platforms to build credibility and attract potential clients.
Consistency is key; regularly check for new opportunities and submit high-quality proposals.

6. Warm Outreach

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Warm outreach is a more personalized and relationship-focused approach to connecting with potential clients.

It involves reaching out to individuals or businesses with whom you share common ground or a mutual connection, creating a foundation of trust. Here’s how to effectively execute warm outreach:

Key Strategies:

  • Identify Common Ground: Find shared interests, connections, or experiences to establish a genuine connection.
  • Personalized Communication: Tailor your outreach message to reflect your understanding of their needs and showcase your value.
  • Utilize Mutual Connections: If possible, mention shared contacts or acquaintances to enhance credibility.

Why It’s Effective:

  • Builds Trust: By starting with common ground, you establish trust and rapport from the beginning.
  • Higher Response Rates: Personalized messages are more likely to capture attention and evoke a response.
  • Long-Term Relationships: Warm outreach lays the foundation for lasting connections that extend beyond a single project.

In a world saturated with generic communications, warm outreach stands out as a sincere and thoughtful way to connect with potential clients.

It not only increases your chances of landing projects but also sets the stage for building meaningful, long-term relationships in the field of copywriting.

7. Business Networking Events

Business networking events are a dynamic pathway to propel your copywriting journey.

Actively engage in discussions, perfect your elevator pitch, and exchange business cards to establish meaningful connections. Follow up with personalized emails post-event to express gratitude and indicate interest in potential collaborations.

Networking benefits extend beyond immediate projects, providing opportunities for partnerships and referrals. Face-to-face connections foster trust, and staying updated on industry trends ensures you remain a dynamic and well-informed copywriter.

Embrace networking events to broaden your professional circle and unlock exciting opportunities in the copywriting realm.

8. Join a Copywriter Directory 

Joining a copywriter directory can significantly enhance your visibility and make it easier for potential clients to find you.

Here are some examples of popular directories where you can showcase your copywriting skills:

  • ProCopywriters: A dedicated platform for professional copywriters, offering a searchable directory for clients seeking skilled writers.
  • Upwork: While known for freelance opportunities, Upwork also serves as a directory where clients can discover and connect with copywriters based on their profiles and skills.
  • Copywriter Collective: A global directory specifically for freelance copywriters, providing exposure to international clients.
  • LinkedIn ProFinder: LinkedIn’s platform for connecting clients with freelancers, including copywriters, based on their skills and expertise.

By creating a compelling profile on these directories, you increase your chances of being noticed by clients actively seeking copywriting services. Utilize these platforms to showcase your portfolio, highlight your expertise, and make it easy for potential clients to connect with you.

9. Upwork

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Upwork stands as a dynamic platform offering abundant opportunities for copywriters to thrive.

With a straightforward interface and a vast array of projects, it serves as a marketplace connecting freelancers with clients worldwide. Here’s how to make the most of Upwork:

  • Create a Standout Profile: Craft a compelling profile that highlights your copywriting expertise, showcases your portfolio, and effectively communicates your unique selling points.
  • Optimize Job Proposals: Tailor your job proposals to each client’s needs, demonstrating a clear understanding of the project and how your skills align with their requirements.
  • Build a Strong Portfolio: Showcase your best work in your Upwork portfolio to give potential clients a visual representation of your capabilities.
  • Consistent Communication: Prompt and professional communication is key. Respond to messages and job invitations in a timely manner to demonstrate your reliability.
  • Request and Give Feedback: Collect positive feedback from satisfied clients, and consider providing constructive feedback to clients you’ve worked with. Positive reviews enhance your credibility.

Upwork offers a platform where copywriters can not only find projects but also build long-term relationships with clients.

With a polished profile, effective proposals, and consistent communication, Upwork can be a valuable resource for kickstarting or advancing your copywriting career.

10. Friends And Family

This one’s an underrated one that I surprisingly don’t see many copywriters taking advantage of yet. Friends and family.

Share your copywriting journey with them—they might know someone needing your skills or have valuable connections. A social media shoutout can catch the eye of potential clients, and your close circle can be the first to benefit from trial projects or discounted rates.

Seek constructive feedback from those you trust, refining your approach.

When attending networking events, having friends or family by your side provides a supportive atmosphere.

Remember, they want to see you succeed and can be your silent champions, opening doors and offering the initial push you need in the competitive field of copywriting.

11. Cold Calling

Cold calling can be daunting, but it’s a potent method to directly connect with potential clients. Here’s how to navigate this potentially scary terrain:

Preparation is Key: Before picking up the phone, research your prospect thoroughly. Understand their business and pinpoint how your copywriting skills can address their specific needs.

Craft a Compelling Script: Create a concise script that introduces yourself, highlights your expertise, and clearly communicates the value you can bring to their projects.

Be Genuine and Confident: Approach each call with authenticity. Confidence comes from believing in the value you offer. Remember, you’re not just selling a service; you’re providing a solution.

Handle Rejections Positively: Rejections are part of the game. Treat them as opportunities to learn and refine your approach. Not every call will result in a closed deal, and that’s okay.

Follow Up Strategically: If a prospect expresses interest but doesn’t commit immediately, follow up with a polite and strategic approach. It’s about building a relationship, not just making a sale.

Cold calling may seem scary, but it’s a skill that can be honed with practice. Each call is a chance to learn and improve.

This skill can be used with things even outside of client acquisition, like social skills.

Embrace the challenge, focus on providing value, and remember that every ‘yes’ brings you one step closer to landing your first copywriting client.

12. Networking With Other Copywriters

Connecting with fellow copywriters isn’t just about expanding professional circles; it’s a pathway to personal and career development.

By engaging with experienced peers, you gain insights, industry trends, and valuable advice. These connections may lead to collaborative projects, diversifying your portfolio and sparking creative ideas.

A supportive community of copywriters provides encouragement during challenges and celebrates successes. Your network becomes a source of referrals and recommendations, opening doors to new opportunities.

Moreover, staying connected ensures continuous learning through workshops and webinars, keeping you updated and competitive in the dynamic world of copywriting.

13. Guest Post for Publications 

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Writing guest posts for publications is a smart way to boost your presence as a copywriter. When you contribute to these platforms, you showcase your copywriting skills to a wider audience, establishing yourself as an expert in the field.

Being featured in reputable publications adds credibility to your profile, fostering trust with potential clients. It’s not just about writing; guest posting expands your professional network, connecting you with editors, writers, and readers in the industry.

Plus, it’s a direct channel to attract potential clients who may be seeking your copywriting services.

With each guest post, you not only diversify your portfolio but also open doors to exciting opportunities in the dynamic realm of copywriting.

Tips for Getting Clients as a Copywriter

Here are 5 tips to help you get clients as a copywriter:

1. Build a Strong Online Presence

Establishing a compelling online presence is foundational. Craft a professional website, engage actively on social media, and consistently share valuable content to showcase your skills and attract potential clients.

2. Network Effectively

Networking is more than just exchanging business cards; it’s about building genuine connections. Attend industry events, join online communities, and nurture relationships that can lead to referrals, collaborations, and direct client opportunities.

3. Offer Free Resources

Share your expertise generously. Creating and distributing free resources, such as blog posts or guides, not only positions you as an authority in your field but also draws in clients who value your knowledge.

4. Optimize Your Freelance Profiles

If you’re leveraging freelance platforms, ensure your profiles are optimized. Craft a compelling bio, showcase a professional image, and tailor your pitches to each job, emphasizing how your unique skills align with the client’s specific needs.

5. Deliver Outstanding Work

Ultimately, your reputation hinges on the quality of your work. Consistently exceed client expectations, as satisfied clients become your best advocates, contributing to a positive word-of-mouth that can lead to a steady influx of new opportunities.

Copywriting FAQ

Here are the answers to some of the most asked questions regarding copywriting:

Copywriting is the art and science of crafting compelling and persuasive written content with the goal of motivating a specific action or response from the reader. It is commonly used in advertising, marketing, and various forms of business communication to engage and influence the audience.

A copywriter creates written content, known as “copy,” for a variety of mediums, including advertisements, websites, emails, product descriptions, and more. Their primary objective is to capture the audience’s attention, convey a message effectively, and prompt the desired action, whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or any other call-to-action.

Effective copywriting requires a combination of creativity, strong writing skills, a deep understanding of the target audience, and the ability to tailor the message to achieve specific goals. Additionally, research skills, adaptability, and a grasp of marketing principles are valuable assets.

To become a copywriter, start by honing your writing skills and building a portfolio of diverse writing samples. Gain knowledge in marketing and advertising principles, and consider taking courses or obtaining relevant degrees in communication, journalism, or marketing. Networking and seeking internships or freelance opportunities can provide valuable real-world experience.

Building a client base involves establishing a strong online presence, networking with industry professionals, utilizing freelance platforms, and delivering exceptional work to garner positive referrals. Offering free resources, such as blog posts or guides, can also attract potential clients who value your expertise.

The income of a copywriter can vary based on factors such as experience, expertise, location, and the type of projects undertaken. Freelance copywriters may charge per hour or per project, while in-house copywriters may receive a salary. Experienced copywriters with a strong reputation often command higher rates.


That’s it for this article.

I hope you found what you were looking for!

Embarking on a successful journey as a copywriter requires strategic approaches to client acquisition.

By using strategies like cold outreach, inbound, and networking, you’ll be sure to land a client in no time.

But don’t forget, the key to succeeding in your copywriting journey is to keep a growth mindset that’ll empower you through each stage.

Thanks for making it to the end of this article and good luck on your copywriting journey!

P.S: I help businesses add at least 20-50% more to their monthly revenue through high-converting emails, sequences, and copywriting without them lifting a finger.

Sounds interesting?

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