Helping Young Entrepreneurs Achieve
Their Business Goals

Welcome to Outset Business, My Name Is Elio Goodrich and This Is My Blog

Outset Business is a platform dedicated to helping other like-minded entrepreneurs on their business journey. We provide other young entrepreneurs with the resources and insights they need to succeed in business. Our blog is focused on sharing business guides, advice, and software rankings that can help you achieve your entrepreneurial goals.

As a young entrepreneur, I know firsthand the challenges of starting a business and building a successful brand. That’s why I created this blog as a resource for other like-minded entrepreneurs who are looking to start or grow their businesses.

On this blog, you’ll find practical advice on a range of business topics, from how to start your online business as a young entrepreneur to advice for improving your affiliate sales. We also review and rank various business software solutions to help you find the best tools for your needs.

Where You Can Find Us

You can find us on these social media platforms:

My Background in Business

As a young entrepreneur, I have always been fascinated with the idea of making money and entrepreneurship since I was a young kid. My journey in business started at a young age when I used to sell lemonade and cookies on the footpath near my house. As a kid between the ages of 9-12, I remember feeling thrilled when I made $102 in one day of selling lemonade. To ensure I had the lemons prepared in time, I would often wake up early, ride my bike to the store to buy lemons and come back home to prepare the lemonade for my customers. Looking back, I realize that this lemonade sale began my entrepreneurial journey and taught me valuable lessons such as the importance of hard work, dedication, and responsibility. It also opened my eyes to the world of money and how it works.

As I grew older, I continued to explore different business opportunities. I used to resell shoes on Facebook Marketplace, buying used shoes and cleaning them up to sell them for more profit. Through this venture, I made around $500 in total profit which was a lot for me at the time. This business venture taught me many things as well, it taught me the importance of consistency, beliefs, and mindset. It also taught me that money is always moving and that it’s up to us to decide whether it’s moving toward or away from us. This lesson has been a driving force in my pursuit of success and financial independence, and it’s a lesson that I aim to impart to my readers as well.

Throughout my journey, I have gone through thousands of hours of research when it comes to business – from watching YouTube videos to reading articles or books – and even more hours on top of that when you count the hours I have spent pursuing my business ventures and planning for them.

My blog is another business venture that I have created to explore while helping other young entrepreneurs on their business journey. With topics ranging from how to start your business as a young entrepreneur to tips on how to grow your business, my blog is dedicated to providing valuable information and resources for other young entrepreneurs like me. I believe that everyone has the potential to achieve business success, and I hope that my blog can help others on their journey to success.

Why I Created This Blog

At Outset Business, our mission is to provide young entrepreneurs with the tools, knowledge, and resources they need to succeed in business. As a young entrepreneur, I understand the challenges and obstacles of starting and growing a business. That’s why I created this blog – as a platform to share my knowledge and experience with others on a similar journey.

My goal is to provide valuable insights, tips, and resources that can help aspiring business owners navigate the complexities of entrepreneurship. From business guides to software recommendations, our blog covers a wide range of relevant topics to young entrepreneurs like you.

I created this blog not only to help others but also as a way to continue learning and growing myself. By researching and writing about different business topics, I am constantly expanding my knowledge and expertise in this field.

Mindset and Its Importance in Business

A lesson that I learned from my business ventures and that we believe in here at Outset Business is being able to control your mind. Your mind is one of the only things you’re able to control in life. Your mind plays the most important part when it comes to not just business but life in general. For example, two people could face the same business challenge, such as a difficult client or a setback in sales. One person may become discouraged and give up, while the other person may view the challenge as an opportunity to learn and grow, using it as motivation to work even harder. The difference between their responses is often due to their mindset and ability to control their thoughts and emotions. Your mind is your only limit, your only boundary, and your only power. Use it wisely.

Here at Outset Business we believe that anyone can succeed in business with the right beliefs, a solid plan, and effective execution. With these 3 components checked off, you in the right track to succeed.

There is a difference between wanting to be rich and wanting to be rich, what I mean by that is many people say that they want to be rich but don’t do anything about it, they expect money to be put in their lap. The people that genuinely want to be rich are the people who can’t be distracted from what they want.

Empowering Young Entrepreneurs on Their Business Journey

At Outset Business, we are passionate about entrepreneurship and helping young business owners achieve their goals. We believe that anyone can succeed in the business world with the right mindset, tools, and resources. Whether you’re looking for advice on starting your first business, or need help growing your existing enterprise, our blog is here to support and guide you every step of the way.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about us and our mission. We are excited to participate in your entrepreneurial journey and look forward to sharing our knowledge and experience with you. If you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re always here to help!